"A great thought-inspiring film... From many voices emerges a picture of Nietzsche as a thinker and wanderer, a seeker of mountain air and
a predictor... Landscapes and philosophy merge organically in this impressive documentary."
Prof. em. Dr. Elmar Schenkel (University Leipzig), board member Nietzsche Verein Röcken e.V., author i.a. of „Wahre Geschichten um Friedrich Nietzsche“ (Leipzig 2023)
Streaming available for academic institutions via distributor
An introduction into Nietzsche's life and thinking with
particular regard to his productive years in Sils Maria
Friedrich Nietzsche is presented in this essayistic documentary film as an equally fascinating and controversial philosopher whose influence reaches far beyond the boundaries of the academic world. As a representative of perspective thinking he is regarded
as a pioneer of modernism and postmodernism. Of utmost importance to his life and work was the tiny Swiss village Sils Maria, the only place that he visited again and again during his nomadic years and where many of his works were created.
The film conveys a tangible impression of the area and how this
charismatic place has influenced Nietzsche's thinking and feeling.
For the first time in a film are shown in detail some of the scribbled
sheets from the period of his so-called mental derangement at the clinic in Jena. One of these papers has Nietzsche called his "testament" which is now kept in a Swiss bank safe.
The majority of the speakers in the film are academics related to the Nietzsche-Haus in Sils Maria.
Thomas Josef Roth was a student and assistant of the renowned
avant-garde filmmaker Peter Kubelka at the State Academy of Fine Arts Städelschule, Frankfurt. After graduating he received a Fulbright
Scholarship for The New School University in New York City and later
a one-year Artist Residency in London. His films won several awards and have played in international film festivals e.g. in Los Angeles, London, Philadelphia, Princeton, San Jose, Rome, Riga, Warsaw, Kyiv.
ACADEMIA.EDU: https://newschool.academia.edu/ThomasJosefRoth
Contact: dokhausberlinfilm@gmail.com
HDV (Germany / Switzerland 2017)
46 min. / in German with English subtitles
Available for universities with
Public Performance Rights and Digital Site License.
Pricing varies by country and institution.
Public premiere screening: June 5th, 2018
Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) Paris
45 rue d'Ulm at 7 pm, Salle des Actes
Filmmaker Thomas Josef Roth
will be present for discussion.
Prof. Dr. Peter André Bloch
(Mulhouse) Vice-president Nietzsche-Haus Sils Maria
PD Dr. Peter Villwock
(Sils Maria/Berlin) Custodian Nietzsche-Haus Sils Maria
Dr. Klaus Itta
(Freiburg im Breisgau und Basel)
Dr. Hannah Große Wiesmann
Dr. Timon Boehm
(Zürich) Professor of Philosophy ETH Zürich
Lake Silvaplana in Sils Maria, Switzerland
Nietzsche's death mask at Nietzsche-Haus, Sils Maria
Nietzsche's so-called testament in a Swiss bank safe
IMPRESSUM / IMPRINT: Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG und verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Thomas Roth, Mörfelder Landstrasse 112, 60598 Frankfurt am Main
KONTAKT: Dokhaus Berlin Carola Hesse/Thomas Josef Roth DokHaus Berlin, Graefestrasse 89, 10967 Berlin, Email: dokhausberlinfilm@gmail.com
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